Tribal health group becomes first to provide health services to natives in Humboldt County

From KRCR News HUMBOLDT, Calif. — Two Feathers Native American Family Services became Humboldt County’s first Native American organizational provider of specialty mental health services. The services agreement with the Department of Health and Human Services was approved by the Board of Supervisors on Feb. 25. Two Feathers will provide mental health, therapeutic behavioral and intensive home-based services to Medi-Cal eligible … Read More

‘History of success’: California Assembly recognizes Two Feathers Native American Family Services

From the Times-Standard Two Feathers Native American Family Services recently received a personal visit, letter and plaque from the California Assembly, Select Committee on Native American Affairs, for its work in promoting the stability and security of Native families in Northern California, as well as protecting the best interest of Indian children. Read the full article here:

Ho-Lee-Mem’ We Weave (Baskets)

Please join Two-Feathers and basket weaver Joanne Moore in our biweekly Women’s Weaving Circle. Women will have the opportunity to learn weaving basics and to work on personal projects. We are encouraging women to bring their own personal projects as we will be taking turns learning how to weave as the weeks progress, projects not required. Materials for learning how … Read More

Two Feathers Wins KHUM 2019 Organization of the Year

Two Feathers was honored recently by KHUM radio with the 2019 Organization of the Year designation for our work in stopping domestic violence and other issues in our local communities. The award came with a check for $2,240 from the Stop the Violence fund. To learn more, visit the KHUM website here:

2019 Harvestival

Two Feathers was honored to partner with Native Connections and Hoopa High School’s senior class to provide a free dinner this November in the Hoopa valley on November 24th. Over 300 community members were served! Thank you to everyone who participated, helped prepare food, and provided entertainment!

2019 Spooky Halloween Bash

Our Halloween event in Hoopa was a spooky success with over 400 people turning out for the festivities and a lot over very scary costumes on display!

Two Feathers Native American Family Services Receives $3.7 Million Grant to Combat Teen Suicide

“Around 60 people gathered last night at the Two Feathers Native American Family Services center to celebrate a $3.7 million grant they received to combat teen suicide. “The grant money comes from the Garrett Lee Smith State/Tribal Youth Suicide Prevention and Early Intervention Grant and will be used to fund a five-year school-based prevention program called Chekws: Hope for Tomorrow.” … Read More

Find Yourself in The Club

In June 2018, the Big Lagoon Rancheria opened The Club, a full-service, family focused fitness club in McKinleyville. Virgil Moorehead, a clinical psychologist at Two Feathers Native American Family Services and Jennifer Enos, the head strength and conditioning coach at The Club, talk about their philosophy of a holistic approach to physical and mental health. Hear the full interview at … Read More

Wholeness and Wellness Through Stick Games and Flower Dances

What is the mental health prevention and early intervention impact of two culturally specific practices – the Stick Game and Flower Dance? Virgil Moorehead from Two Feathers Native American Family Services and Dr. Cutcha Risling Baldy, professor of Native American Studies at Humboldt State are collaborating to study the impact of cultural practices and ceremony and to rethink Native American … Read More

McKinleyville Group Working To Confront Race Issues

From the Times-Standard “For many, McKinleyville is a vibrant and welcoming community. We are the McKinleyville Alliance for Racial Equity, a coalition of individuals and organizations committed to ensuring that this is the case for all residents and visitors. We believe that by engaging our neighbors to focus on the issue, we can solve it together.” Read the full article … Read More