Our Two Feathers youth employees visited Cal Poly Humboldt!! While there they stopped by Dr. Kaitlin Reed’s “Introduction to Native American Studies” course! Of course, there was time for fun!
Youth Employees: Land Restoration and Cultural Burns
A group of our youth employees, in our Youth Employment Program, recently learned more about land restoration and cultural burns with Joe Hostler in the Hoopa Valley. After working with the youth, Joe expressed “I was impressed how much they already knew about natural resources and ecological restoration. It was an honor to meet them.”
The Ripple Effect
The Ripple Effect: An Integrative Framework for Enhancing Trauma-Informed Practice Across Systems This workshop presented an integrative framework for understanding and communicating across systems about how trauma can affect a child, a family, and a system. Chandra Ghosh Ippen is a child psychologist and children’s book author. She is currently the Associate Director of the Child Trauma Research Program at … Read More
Native Women’s Self Defense
Such an empowering day at our Native Women’s Self Defense class! Our facilitator, Tami Lara (Yurok) of Fighting to be Fit, taught us so much; not only about how to protect ourselves but how to be confident, how to support one another, and how to be fighters. Thank you, Tami, for a wonderful day!
Halloween Trunk-or-Treat
Connecting with our community is important and this year we celebrated Halloween outside! Community members joined us at Two Feathers dressed up in costumes, trick-or-treated from decorated cars, and played games. With over 100 people joining us, there were a lot of smiles and laughter. Fun was had by all!
Two Feathers Hosts ‘Dangers of Technology’ Forums
(From the North Coast Journal) Two Feathers Native American Health Services will be hosting seven free virtual forums (open to the public with registration) on the subject: Is Technology Damaging our Native Youth? The forums will feature national and international experts and are expected to last approximately one to two hours each. In a press release, Dr. Virgil Moorehead Jr., Executive Director with Two … Read More
‘A Curriculum that Empowers’
Virtual roundtable focuses on need for better education outcomes for Native youth (From the North Coast Journal) Speaking at a virtual roundtable called to discuss the systemic failures of local school districts to help Native students succeed, as detailed in a recent report by the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California, Humboldt State University Native American Studies Chair Cutcha … Read More
Two Feathers NAFS Hosting Statewide Virtual Conference On Native Youth Mental Health And Wellness
(From Redheaded Blackbelt) Two Feathers Native American Family Services (NAFS) in partnership with Stanford Medicine Center for Youth Mental Health & Wellbeing, is hosting a four day virtual conference focused on Native Youth Mental Health and Wellness. The conference will begin on September 15 from noon to 1:30pm PST and continue September 16-18 from 3:30pm to 7pm PST each day. … Read More
Walking The Red Road Together; Speaker Series
Two Feathers Native American Family Services is hosting a virtual conference entitled, “Walking the Red Road Together.” The event is geared to Native youth and will focus on substance abuse prevention and early intervention. It is free and open to the public and will run from 12pm-1pm June 22-26th on Facebook live. www.facebook.com/2FeathersNAFS/ Each lunchtime discussion will feature a different Native guest … Read More
Two Feathers Native American Family Services Hosting Virtual Conference: ‘Walking the Red Road Together
(From the North Coast Journal) Two Feathers Native American Family Services is hosting a virtual conference geared toward native youth that will focus on substance abuse prevention and early intervention. “The goal of the conference is to bring awareness to ways of healing and thriving in Native communities. This often means preventing substance abuse in our communities,” Virgil Moorehead Jr. … Read More